Applying for Your Child’s Primary School Place
If your child lives in Dudley you need to apply to Dudley Council for a primary school place the academic year before they turn 5. Even if you have already approached a school, or have put your child’s name down at a school, you still need to make an application.
Attendance at a particular nursery gives no priority for a place at primary school.
Places at Ashwood Park Primary School are allocated by the Dudley Admissions Service using the Dudley schools admissions criteria. For further information please see the link below.
A parents guide to primary school admissions can be found by clicking below
Applying to Change Schools
If you wish to change the school your child attends you will need to follow the procedure outlined by Dudley MBC School Admissions team.
A parents guide to changing schools can be found by clicking below
In order to register your interest for a place in Nursery for your child, please complete a Nursery registration form which is available from the main school reception. Please note that registration does not guarantee a place. Places in Nursery are allocated using the Dudley schools admissions criteria.
Ashwood Park School

Ashwood Park Primary School,
Bells Lane,
West Midlands, DY8 5DJ
Tel: 01384 818545