In Nursery we have 2 classes, each having a maximum of 26 children. We offer Nursery education funded (free) places for 3- and 4-year-olds, where children can attend for 15 hours per week either mornings or afternoons. There are a limited number of full time 30-hour places available, and these will be allocated to working parents on a first come, first serve/by age basis.
Children can attend each morning from 8.30 – 11.30 or each afternoon 12.30pm‐3.30pm for 3 hours per session. Given that the rest of the school start the day at 8.50, the morning session has a ‘soft start’ to it and parents are welcome to drop off children any time between 8.30 and 8.50. Similarly, school finishes at 3.15 so parents are welcome to pick up anytime between 3.15 and 3.30.
At our Nursery, children have access to learning opportunities indoor and out. Dedicated, nurturing staff care for and encourage children to develop as independent learners. The early years educational programmes are provided for through a purposefully planned environment, with a mix of child-initiated activities and adult led tasks.
Parents/carers are welcome to arrange a tour and they will need to complete an Ashwood Park Primary School admission form from the school office to sign up for Nursery. We offer lots of opportunities to support our families and children to feel settled.

Ashwood Park Primary School,
Bells Lane,
West Midlands, DY8 5DJ
Tel: 01384 818545